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More information about our cookie policy

1. How do you ask users for cookie consent? How can I refuse the storage and use of cookies?

Our Cookiebot prompts anyone visiting our website to consent to cookies. Strictly necessary cookies are always active, but the user may accept or refuse the rest of the cookies.

The user may refuse the storage and use of cookies by selecting “Use necessary cookies only” or “Allow selection”.

2. How do you verify that the website users have consented to the use of cookies?

After a user has accepted/refused cookies, a unique, random, anonymous and encrypted identification mark is created for them, e.g. 3Dh80w05hREDhmrLDYGohKkkmAJ4IeJ/tY005RQK+7kLKuguGnBliQ==. The date and time of approval is shown below the identification mark. The user may change their cookie preferences or revoke the approval of non-essential cookies at any point at After this, a new unique, random, anonymous and encrypted identification mark is created for them.

We can verify a user’s cookie consent via the Cookiebot admin panel against the identification mark and approval date.

We can generate a daily consent log and filter a specific user’s activity from the list using their identification mark and approval date. This allows us to verify that the identification mark we have created, e.g.  3Dh80w05hREDhmrLDYGohKkkmAJ4IeJ/tY005RQK+7kLKuguGnBliQ==, has consented to the use of cookies.

This approach ensures that the data of our website users remains completely anonymous until a user or a competent authority compels the disclosure of the user’s identity. A unique, random, anonymous and encrypted identification mark also guarantees that a user’s existing consent state cannot be changed by the user themselves or a malicious third party without a trace. Cookiebot generates a new identification mark whenever a user changes their consent state and the previous consent state remains in the log.

3. How can I use the website if I do not accept cookies?

This does not concern our and websites, because strictly necessary cookies must always be accepted.

4. How can I use the website if I have blocked all cookies?

Even if a user has technically blocked all cookies, strictly necessary cookies will still remain active.

If a user tries to change their consent state by selecting “Manage consent preferences”, their browser will prompt them to unblock cookies.

5. How do you manage a user’s cookie consent? How and for how long is a user’s cookie consent stored?

How do you manage and store a user’s cookie consent?  Cookiebot stores a user’s cookie consent in the consent log automatically. Only one person in our company has access to this log.

Cookiebot stores the following data:

  • a user’s anonymised IP address (three final numbers are replaced with zeros), e.g.

  • date and time of consent

  • browser data, e.g. Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/89.0.4389.82 Safari/537.36

  • the URL where the user gave their consent, e.g.

  • the user’s unique, random, anonymous and encrypted identification mark

  •  the user’s consent state which confirms that the user has given their consent.


If necessary, we can demonstrate our users’ cookie consent to the authorities. Our Cookiebot server is located in Ireland and it is subject to EU legislation.

Cookiebot saves a “CookieConsent” cookie to the website user’s browser. This cookie contains the user’s unique, random, anonymous and encrypted identification mark and consent state. This way our website respects the existing consent state of all our users automatically. The same information is transferred to the consent log on our Cookiebot server through an encrypted connection.

How long is a user’s cookie consent stored for? The “CookieConsent” cookie will remain in the browser automatically for 12 months, after which the user will be requested to accept cookies again, unless:

  • the user erases/removes cookies from their browser

  • we change our cookie policy or add/remove cookies. In such cases, we will force the user to update their consent state to make it comply with the new cookie policy. Only strictly necessary cookies remain active until the user has accepted/refused our cookies.

ParkkiPate Oy

P.O. Box 73

00701 Helsinki

Business ID: 2707938-8

Parking control 24/7


Requests for offers and inquiries about the services we offer:


       020 749 8430

(weekdays at 9-16)

See the call prices here

Customer service

Real estate customer service

     09 4134 5100

(weekdays at 9-16)

Customer service for motorists

     09 4134 5100

(weekdays at 10-14)

We do not process reclamations over the phone.

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©2022 by ParkkiPate Oy.

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